About the Author

Welcome to the Book of Guru HariHaraun. Here, I share and document all my write-ups, which might help others in the information security community.

Introduction About Me

Hey There!πŸ‘‹πŸ» I'm Guru HariHaraun. Information Security Professional Student and Certified Ethical Hacker with 3+ years of research experience in Penetration Testing(Red Team), withholding a Bachelor of Engineering degree focused in Computer Science. Also, I am a Cloud Engineering Aspirant, a Full-Stack Developer, and an SEO Strategist.

About This Book

This is my book where I share and document all my write-ups, which might help others in the information security community. As everyone knows, contributing to the community gives you knowledge and power! πŸ”₯and I go it with all grant😎

Contact Me

Support Me

Hi Again! So I put much effort into doing work for these books since they are not going to pay me, but if I get a few treats, I'd be more grateful to myself since I can use them for my hosting and server maintenance. 😁

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